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Carers Week: 10th June to 16th June 2024

Why it’s important to talk to your GP if you are a carer
As part of Carers Week 2024, which runs from Monday 10 June to Sunday 16 June, we are encouraging people to make their GP practice aware if they are a carer. 

If you look after someone who is unable to manage without your help – whether it’s a family member, friend or neighbour – it’s important you tell your GP about your caring responsibilities, so they can help you look after your own health. They can provide you with additional support, advice and information. 

You can find more information about support for carers, and how to register yourself as one with your GP, on our ICS website. Alternatively, there is further information about talking to your GP on the Carers UK website

Carers Week shines a spotlight on caring, highlighting the challenges unpaid carers face, and acknowledging the huge contribution they make. 

Check out some of the activities planned for Carers Week:
– Carers in Herts has a series of events going on throughout the week. For more information, visit the Carers in Herts website.
– In Essex, visit the Action for Family Carers website for details on Carers Week. You can also find more information on support for carers on the Essex Wellbeing Service website

For further information about Carers Week, visit the Carers Week website.