Attending a busy GP Practice as a patient can be an anxious and worrying time for you. We aim to make your time here as short and as simple as possible and the following should help to explain what you, as a patient, can expect from our staff and what we, the staff, can expect from you.
Your Doctor’s Responsibilities
What you can expect from us:
- We will treat you with courtesy, respect and sensitivity at all times.
- Will endeavour to maintain the highest standards of medical practice at all times. The Doctors and Health professionals concerned will undertake to maintain these standards through continuing audit of their care and professional learning.
- You have the right to confidentiality – we will keep the consultation and your computer and written records confidential.
- We will provide you with emergency care promptly when you need it.
- We will endeavour to offer all patients access to a doctor within two working days for medical problems of any kind – though it will not always be possible to offer an appointment with the doctor of your choice.
- We will refer you for appropriate investigations, consultant opinions and care at a hospital or clinic when both you and the doctor treating you agree it is necessary and would be of benefit.
- We will give you a full and prompt reply to any complaints you make about the service we provide and try and change practices if this would improve care or standards to others.
- You have a right to information and answers to questions about your own health and in particular:
- Any illness and its treatment.
- Possible alternative forms of treatment.
- Possible side effects.
- Prevention and avoidance of illness recurring.
- Any proposed investigations.
- To see your medical records, subject to limitations of the law (Data Protection Act 1990) and to have access to those records written after 1st November 1991.
- Full details of all our policies concerning data protection, disability, confidentiality and other legalities are available from the practice manager.
Your Responsibilities as a Patient
The care of your health is a partnership between yourself and the practice team. The success of that partnership depends on a number of factors.
- We ask all patients to be civil and polite at all times. There is no excuse for verbal or physical abuse towards doctors or their staff.
- If you have a problem or complaint do not take it out on a member of staff, they are only trying to do their best for you. If you remain dissatisfied – ask to speak with the Practice Manger, Mrs Gill Costello, or one of the doctors.
- Please keep your appointment. If you are unable to keep an appointment or the condition has improved, then let us know as soon as possible so that someone else can have your appointment.
- If you have asked the doctor to contact you – please leave a telephone number where you can be contacted for the rest of the day.
- If you move house, please inform the reception staff of your new address and telephone when you are in the surgery. This is of particular importance if you have been referred to a hospital or we need to contact you urgently. Please ensure your new address remains in the practice area.
- If you are referred for a hospital outpatient appointment – please keep it or inform the hospital NOT the surgery as soon as possible. The NHS can ill afford to have appointments unused. It is also very important to tell the hospital of your new address if you are on a waiting list for an operation.
- If you have a query regarding your hospital care please contact the consultant’s secretary who will be happy to help you. Results of tests undertaken by your consultant are not routinely reported to the surgery.
- Plan your repeat prescription requests well ahead.
- Attend appointments on time and, if you need to cancel, cancel at least 24 hours in advance.
- Please only request a home visit if you are housebound or bedridden.
It is our policy to be helpful and polite to all our patients regardless of age, ethnic origin, disability, gender or sexual orientation. We expect the same courtesy from our patients. Discriminatory, unsocial, threatening, violent or abusive behaviour towards staff, other patients or the premises will not be tolerated. The Practice will take action in these circumstances, which may involve the Police and result in the removal of the patient from our Practice list.
In England, please refer to NHS Constitution your rights and responsibilities for further information.