Nurse Prescribers (NP)
- Vanessa Ferguson-Campbell
The nurse prescriber is responsible for assessing and treating all minor ailments and chronic disease management. She works closely with the GPs in assessing and triaging patients’ needs and will see patients for on-going treatment of long-term conditions. Most patients requesting emergency appointments will be dealt with by the nurse prescriber.
Practice Nurses
- Gulistan Mehmet – RGN
- Rashmi Jayamanna – RGN
The nursing team offer daily surgeries for general nursing care including dressings, removal of stitches, contraception advice, cervical smears, smoking cessation, free NHS travel vaccinations, dietary and weight management. In addition specialised clinics are held for baby immunisations, asthma and COPD, diabetes and other chronic disease management.
Community District Nurses
These nurses are based at Potters Bar Hospital and provide nursing care for the housebound. They can be contacted through the practice reception. Community nurses and health visitors are employed by NHS Hertfordshire.
Healthcare Assistants (including Phlebotomy)
- Julie Draper
Julie supports the nursing team and offers appointments for new patient medicals, blood pressure monitoring, life style advices, smoking cessation. She assists the GP’s with the diabetic clinic, chronic disease reviews and minor surgery.